Aluminum is one of the most important raw materials worldwide. Despite new and modern materials, the metal is still used in a wide range of industries, such as in the automotive industry.

Copper is an important component of many materials. The excellent conductivity is particularly suitable in the field of electrical engineering.

Brass is very versatile. It is one of the most commonly used industrial metals in a wide variety of applications. Brass for example is used in the construction industry, in the electrical industry or in the sanitary sector.

Zinc is an indispensable raw material that can be used universally. Every year, more than 12 million tons of zinc are extracted worldwide. 50% of the total amount is used as corrosion protection in steel production.

Lead is a flexible and corrosion-resistant metal. It is very adaptable and is used in various areas. It is mainly processed in batteries and as radiation protection for X-rays.

Tin is a precious material. Nowadays it is often replaced by cheaper options but still finds usage in industry and technology.

Bronze arises from the combination with other metals, except zinc. It is often unsed in the engineering industry.
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